Friday, August 19, 2016

Can You Cash In Your Treasure Today?

By Y.Y. Hodakov

The so-called “Nazi gold train” is in the news again, as actual excavation was begun at the site where some believe the train is buried.

What’s in it for me (the news story, not the gold)?

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First, a quote from “Hayom Yom”, 2 Elul: The Jewish people are called “a cherished land,” (Malachi 3:12) for they possess many precious qualities… But like treasures buried in the earth, the revelation of these positive qualities depends solely upon the person who evokes them. It is obvious that springs of fresh water exist in all parts of the earth. The difference lies only in how close or far they are from the surface. If so, everything depends on the digger and his patience and deliberateness.

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Secondly, a quote from this week’s Torah portion, the paragraph of Shema (Vo’eschanan, 6:6): “These words, which I command you on this day, shall be upon your heart”.

Rashi explains that the approach to Torah and its Mitzvos must be as something that G-d gives us “on this day”, today, the day on which you are reading this. They should not appear to you as an antiquated edict, but as a new one, which everyone hastens to read!

The Talmud (Eruvin 22a) expounds, “This day” you are to do them, but you cannot postpone doing them for tomorrow; this day you are in a position to do them, and “tomorrow” is reserved for receiving reward for doing them.

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Every day, G-d presents us with opportunities to connect with Him, and with our deepest, truest self. We should know that this treasure exists, and it is real. We should do the work it takes to discover, uncover, and utilize the treasures buried within us and in His world (deep, though, they might seem to be). And, we should do it today.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

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