Friday, December 30, 2016

Anthony’s Jewish “Roommate”

This piece is dedicated to Akiva, who reminded me to start writing again.

A few years ago, a Chabad rabbi entered a local computer repair shop to solicit an ad for a Jewish art calendar that he was going to publish. When the proprietor saw that the calendar was published by Chabad, he said, I love Chabad! I’ll do an ad with you!

* * *
25 years earlier, Anthony was minding his own business on a cold winter evening in downtown New Haven, when he was approached by a Yeshiva student.

Excuse me sir, are you Jewish?

No, but my roommate is!

It’s Chanukah tonight. Do you know if he has a Menorah?

No, I’m quite sure he does not.

Here, give this to him, and tell him to light it!

The Yeshiva student handed him a box that included a tin Menorah, a box of candles, and instructions. Anthony thought it was really nice of Chabad to extend themselves to others in this manner.

* * *
Time passed.

Anthony met a nice Jewish girl, they decided to marry, with the understanding that he would first convert. He began to attend classes, until one day when his grandmother called him and explained that it wasn’t necessary.

I’m Jewish, she said. So is your mother, and so are you. After the war, we’d decided to keep it under wraps…

* * *
Now, Yeshiva students visit Anthony regularly. He has Mezuzahs on his doors, his own pair of Tefillin, and a growing personal library of Jewish books that he reads, saving his questions for the next Jew that enters his shop.

* * *
Spread the light. Shabbat Shalom, Chodesh Tov, and happy Chanukah!

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