Friday, February 19, 2016

Do You Exist In Your Children's Life?

Do you ever wonder if it's worth all the bother?

You invest time, effort, "blood, sweat and tears" to raise your children properly. Yet, their reaction - or lack thereof - might test your patience, and resilience... You want them to behave properly, study well, reach their potential, be all they can be, even (especially?) what you, yourself, could not. Yet, it's a constant struggle, and the results are not always immediately so obvious.

Then, one day, someone casually mentions that they met your child. So sweet, so nice, so kind, so respectful... For a moment, only half in jest, you wonder if they're talking about your kid. Then, it dawns on you, that they might have, indeed, absorbed something after all. And you realize with hope, that as much as you - at one point or another in your life - began to live the ideals that your parents instilled in you, they will, hopefully do the same as well.

Even if they don't know, or acknowledge the role you play in their life, you will always be very much part of it.

* * *
Moshe's name is not mentioned at all in this week's Torah portion, Tetzaveh. Yet, in both the content of the Torah portion itself, and in the reasons that his name is missing, his presence cannot be ignored at all. In fact, it is arguably there - where his name is not seen, that his real impact is felt.

Have a wonderful Shabbos.

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